Samuel Davis Erwin - 50 Hymns on Guitar
1. Lord, I Lift Your Name On High 4:15
2. Trust And Obey 2:28
3. Amazing Grace 2:48
4. Old Rugged Cross 4:11
5. There Is Power In The Blood 2:54
6. Beautiful Savior 3:24
7. All Creatures Of Our God And King 2:44
8. Battle Hymn Of The Republic 4:04
9. What Child Is This 3:51
10. Love Lifted Me 3:14
11. In The Garden 4:15
12. I Love To Tell The Story 3:35
13. Jesus Loves Me 2:53
14. Reverend Boojaleaux's Good Time Gospel Boogie 3:37
15. Chrish The Lord Is Risen Today 2:50
16. I Surrender All 6:13
17. O, God, Our Help In Ages Past 5:02
Disc 2
1. A Mighty Fortress Is Our God 3:39
2. I Need Thee 2:46
3. Rock Of Ages 2:45
4. Sweet Hour Of Prayer 4:46
5. Crown Him With Many Crowns 3:44
6. Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing 3:35
7. O, Worship The King 2:21
8. O Mighty Cross 4:18
9. Higher Ground 3:34
10. What A Friend We Have In Jesus 4:06
11. My Jesus I Love Thee 3:43
12. Down By The Riverside 4:44
13. Just As I Am 5:03
14. All Hail The Power Of Jesus' Name 2:59
15. Fairest Lord Jesus 4:12
16. Highlands of Heaven 5:36
Disc 3
1. Nothing But The Blood 2:31
2. Great Is Thy Faithfulness 3:09
3. Leaning On The Everlasting Arms 3:39
4. Savior Like A Shepherd Lead Us 4:00
5. Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus 2:56
6. Blessed Assurance 3:47
7. Open Arms 4:55
8. O For A Thousand Tounges To Sing 3:28
9. This Is My Fathers World 3:44
10. When We All Get To Heaven 2:42
11. Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee 4:06
12. Shout To The Lord 3:55
13. Be Thou My Vision 3:28
14. Onward Christian Soldiers 3:52
15. Come To Me 4:45
16. It Is Well With My Soul 4:45
17. Holy, Holy, Holy
Disco 1 │ Disco 2 │ Disco 3